- Under carriage wash
- High pressure soft cloth wash
- Double pass pre-soak
- Tri colored foaming soap
- Sealer wax
- Armor All® Body Shield crystal polymer protectant
- Spot-free rinse
- High power touch free drying
Water Wizard touch-free automated wash (Parsons Road only)
- Self-serve bays featuring the following:
- Hot wash water at 1100+ p.s.i.
- Tire cleaner/degreaser
- Warm, high pH pre-soak
- Hog's hair foaming brushes
- High pressure rinse
- Hot high pressure sealer wax
- Spot-free rinse (water purified through reverse osmosis)
- All bays priced at $8 for 30 minutes. Price is per vehicle, and bay will not work with two cars or a car & trailer in it (See attendant for instructions on how to wash a trailer attached to your vehicle.)
- High power, twin motor vacuums
- Dry foaming shampooer (Seaford only)
- Fragrance mist machines
- Tire air machines
- Car care vending machines
- Soda vending machines